Data collected by the RBSP-EFW instrument can be analyzed and accessed using the THEMIS Data Analysis Software Suite (TDAS) developed by the University of California, Berkeley. The Berkeley TDAS site has all the necessary documentation, however, the RBSP-specific software is not yet in the stable packages.
Accessing the RBSP-Specific Software
In order to use TDAS with RBSP-EFW, it is necessary to use the bleeding-edge version of TDAS, which is updated as a nightly build.
More detailed and EFW-specific information about the installation and use of the EFW/TDAS and SDT packages can be found in the following documents:
- June 2013 GEM Wrokshop – EFW: TDAS and Data Products
- Fall 2012 AGU Meeting – EFW Science Operations Center (SOC)
Additional Software
APL’s Science Gateway also has links to a variety of visualization and analysis software that may be useful. There is also a list of analytical models relevant to the RBSP mission.
Discussion Forum
There is a discussion forum for the RBSP data. Registration is required.